Leading-edge natural solutions…   always inspired by nature
2020 March

How to Protect Ourselves from Viruses like the Coronavirus

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistWhat is a virus?A virus is a microscopic organism, much smaller and simpler than a bacterium, which can infect animals, humans, plants, fungi and even bacteria. Despite being living organisms, they cannot replicate on their own, so they will inhabit a host’s cell and then…
2020 March

Strengthening the Immune System has never been more urgent: How Biobran can help.

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional Therapist  /  Biobran MGN-3 is a Japanese immunomodulator derived from rice bran. This food supplement was developed in the mid-90s by Professor Ghoneum in the US and Dr Maeda in Japan to help support immune function, especially for patients with immune systems compromised by disease and/or toxic…
2020 February

How to avoid vitamin D deficiency in winter

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional Therapist  /  Vitamin D is surprisingly a hormone rather than a vitamin. It is a fat-soluble nutrient responsible for regulating the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate in the body, and has been extensively studied. Some of the many roles it plays in our bodies include:Supporting immune…
2020 January

Five Healthy Habits to Start the New Year

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistMany people use January as an opportunity to overhaul their diet and lifestyle. After the holiday indulgences, you may feel motivated to make radical changes in many areas of your life and these can sometimes be unsustainable in the long term.I have outlined some simple…
2019 December

How to Stay Healthy Over the Christmas Holidays

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistThe holiday season is a great time to let your hair down and celebrate with friends and family - but most of us get to January not quite feeling our best and with a need to detox and recover from the Christmas indulgences.Here are a…
2019 November

Winter Skin Guide

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistAs winter approaches, many of us suffer with dry skin due to the cold winter air as well as spending more time in dry, heated rooms. This can manifest as dry hands and face or chapped lips. The good news is that there are some…
2019 October

Winter Wellness Tips

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistAs the weather gets colder and we spend more time indoors, our ability to resist winter illnesses is compromised due to many factors: lack of sunshine, poor ventilation, overeating and central heating drying out our mucous membranes. Add to that the heightened risk of infections…
2019 August

Boost and Build Your Immune System

By Penda Barry / Nutritional TherapistThe term “immune” derives from Latin Immunis, meaning “exempt” which in the context of the immune system refers to foreign invading agents. The immune system is a complex fighting system that maintains the body’s integrity and function.The purpose of the immune system is to keep…
2019 March

Tips for Healthy Digestion

By Linda Vezzoli / Nutritional TherapistHippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said, “All disease begins in the gut.” That was 2000 years ago, and it is still sage advice today. Modern medicine is waking up to the fact that the gut health and the diversity of our microbiome — the…
2018 October

The Wellbeing Conference - 2018

The Wellbeing Conference is being held at the ARBC Conference Centre on Abbey Road (yes, THE Abbey Road) in London NW8, on the 20th October 2018. It will present ways to optimise health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Speakers include Dr. Lucia Batty (doctor), Lorraine Nicolle (nutritionist), Angela…