Leading-edge natural solutions…   always inspired by nature
2013 March

Heart-healthy lifestyle 'also reduces risk of cancer'

Simple lifestyle changes can reduce people's risk of both heart disease and cancer, a study has shown.People who adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle may also benefit from a reduced risk of cancer, new research has found.US scientists looked at the impact of seven lifestyle choices that are known to reduce the…
2013 March

Oxidised cholesterol 'contributes to heart disease'

A researcher with more than six decades of experience in dietary factors that contribute to heart disease has pinpointed unnaturally oxidised cholesterol as a key culprit.Heart disease is often blamed on dietary cholesterol, but an experienced professor in the US has claimed that the real culprit is cholesterol that has…
2013 March

Experts warn of 'masked' toxins in food

There are fears that naturally occurring chemicals produced by certain moulds in cereal crops may be converted into toxic substances inside the body.Consumers may be exposing themselves to harmful toxins when they eat certain foods, despite regulations aimed at ensuring their safety.There are rules concerning the levels of moulds and…
2013 March

Urinary incontinence 'common' in people with heart failure

Patients with chronic heart failure appear to face an elevated risk of urinary incontinence.Urinary incontinence seems to be a common occurrence among patients with chronic heart failure, a study has shown.The condition is common among older adults, but little is known about its frequency in people with heart failure.Researchers at…
2013 March

New treatments for heart and endocrine disorders 'could be on the way'

Scientists in the US believe their findings concerning brown fat stem cells could lead to new heart and endocrine disorder treatments being developed.A recent discovery by scientists in the US could pave the way for new treatments for people with heart and endocrine disorders, experts have suggested.Specialists at the University…
2013 March

Relationship troubles take their toll on immune system

Anxiety in relationships has long been known to cause individuals great deals of mental stress, however new research suggests that these feelings can harm your physical health as well, by taking their toll on your immune system.The immune system is absolutely crucial to health, serving as the body's natural defences…
2013 March

Lack of sleep can alter gene

Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on the genes.Most people will struggle to sleep at some point in their adult lives, with many finding it a regular annoyance. As well as depriving you of the energy you need to get through the working week, a lack of sleep can…
2013 March

Study links processed meat diet with premature death risk

A European study has highlighted the possible health risks associated with eating processed meat.A large new study has uncovered an association between processed meat and risk of early death.Researchers at the University of Zurich looked at data on almost 450,000 people who were involved in the European Prospective Investigation into…
2013 March

Organic tomatoes richer in vitamins?

Despite various claims to the contrary, a new report suggests that organic food may actually be healthier than the conventionally-grown alternatives.According to latest research, organic tomatoes contain higher amounts of vitamin C and vital compounds that can help to battle a range of diseases, even though they actually tend to…
2013 March

Obesity statistics show alarming state of England's health

Official statistics have been published revealing the extent of England's obesity crisis, with just 34 per cent of men and 39 per cent of women reporting a healthy weight during 2011.According to the Health and Social Care Information Centre, a staggering 65 per cent of men and 58 per cent…