Leading-edge natural solutions…   always inspired by nature
2022 October

London VegFestUK - 12th & 13th November 2022

We will be exhibiting at the London VegFestUK at Olympia next month. Come and visit us at stand PR3. For tickets, please visit london.vegfest.co.uk/tickets.
2022 October

Genetically Modified Herpes... to the rescue!?

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM Vilified for centuries, herpes is making a comeback. A genetically modified version has been shown to have anti-cancer effects. So could this unwanted gift usually given by a simple goodbye kiss from your favourite auntie (that’s what they all say) really give advance cancer the thwack?A team…
2022 October

Let's go Green Bananas - A rich source of resistant starch

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM Green bananas are generally something that most people avoid eating, waiting until they turn yellow with a few spots for maximum sweetness. But green bananas are rich in something called “resistant starch” — starches resistant to normal digestion — which carry through to the large intestine where…
2022 June

What is the Vagus Nerve and how does it help control our Mood?

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. It plays a central role in “rest and digest” and this long nerve originates in the brain, and wanders through the thoracic cavity, connecting directly to many of our main organs such as the heart,…
2022 June

IHCAN 2022 Summit on Alzheimer's - 3 Sept 2022

Come and see us at the IHCAN 2022 Summit which is focused on reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. There are two speakers -- Dr. Dale Bredesen, the world's leading authority on Alzheimer's, and Dr. Pete Williams, founder of Functional Medicine Associates in London. Dr. Bredesen will be presenting his…
2022 June

IHCAN 2022 Summit - 25 June 2022

Visit us at the IHCAN 2022 Summit on Saturday 25 June 2022 in London. This summit has four speakers speaking on lowering inflammation and reducing the symptoms of COVID, Lyme and EBV. To book a place, please visit www.ihcansummit.co.uk.
2022 June

Natural Health Care Show & Natural Pet Care Show - 17-19 June 2022

John us at the Natural Health Care Show on the 17th to 19th June at the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper St., London N1 0QH.These dual event has been planned by Get Well, an organisation created by Lynne McTaggard and Bryan Hubbard who are well known for creating the magazine…
2022 June

Integrative & Personalised Medicine 22 - London UK

This is a great practitioner event in June that we will be attending. This is a 3-day practitioner-focused conference with lectures by some of the leading lights in the integrative medicine world. If you go, please visit us on stand F12. 
2022 April

Serious Monkey Business: The Search for Iodine

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM Along with Chimps, Bonobos are our closest relative. And they use their wild instincts and high intelligence to find sources of iodine, a vital nutrient that is challenging to find away from coastal regions.Iodine is essential for the production of our thyroid hormones, which control metabolism, body…
2022 April

Is your best friend a life saver? Most probably, if they are a dog!

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM Want to live longer? Get a dog. What to be healthier? Get a dog. What to be loved unconditionally? Get a dog. (I am sure a cat would do at a pinch.)Dogs and humans have a special bond, that has been documented throughout history, across cultures and…