Leading-edge natural solutions…   always inspired by nature
2022 June

What is the Vagus Nerve and how does it help control our Mood?

Luisa Carugati, BA, DipCNM The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system. It plays a central role in “rest and digest” and this long nerve originates in the brain, and wanders through the thoracic cavity, connecting directly to many of our main organs such as the heart,…
2020 November

Second national lockdown and the rise in anxiety

Our mind is hooked on survival, a mechanism that has ensured the continuity of the human species. A second lockdown is bound to make the situation more difficult for many people...

2020 September

Calm, Destress and Sleep – A Sleep Formula by Premier Research Labs

Sleep, and indeed relaxation is essential for digesting, healing and recovering. Persistent and chronic lack of sleep creates a disruption in mood, concentration and the ability to think clearly and focus...