Leading-edge natural solutions…   always inspired by nature
2020 December

Surviving the Ups and Downs of the Christmas celebrations

17th December 2020

Most of us love Christmas. It is certainly lovely to meet up with family and friends that we have not seen for a while, and many of us look forward to the social interaction if the government dictates permit, especially after a year of lockdowns.

But from experience, most of us would also admit that the festive holidays can also be a time of great stress and exhaustion. The best of relationships can easily be strained, or perhaps the ones we want to be with are not in our “bubble”. And we must remember that there are many of us who will spend Christmas alone.

Some tips for surviving Christmas:

1) Try to get out for a walk every day. It is very important to move the body at this time. It also helps to clear the mental stress we build up with the endorphins that exercise produces.

2) There are some great films on the television and Netflix, often late at night, so if going to bed very late, maybe sneak in some afternoon naps while the family is glued to the television.

3) If you are going to drink alcohol (always in moderation of course) it can be less straining on the system to make sure you don’t drink on an empty stomach, which raises blood sugar and causes more fatigue.

4) Periodic isolation is important for reducing stress. If we can isolate, even just by putting on some headphones or a walkman, it is good that we disengage from constant social interaction so we can maintain our sanity!

5) If you know someone who lives alone in your neighbourhood, posting a simple card can help them feel that they are not forgotten.

So this week we are offering two packs that will provide support nutrients for those suffering from the stresses and the fatigue of the season.

In addition, we also have 2 Power Packs:

The first pack – The Rescue and Support Pack – is to help with stress. It contains herbal adaptogens that help us to recuperate, helping the body to become more resilient and vital. In addition, it has Premier Daily One – a live-source multi-nutrient for overall body support, as well as the wholefood nutritional powerhouse Klamath Blue Green Algae. Together, these supplements will help to rescue and support our systems during stressful times ahead.

The second pack – The Meta Booster Pack – is for those who feel fatigued and need a physical/psychological uplift. The primary component is Green Tea extract which can help energise our systems and increase energy production. The form of Green Tea Extract that we use is a highly absorbable liquid one. In addition, this pack has organic Klamath Blue Green Algae as a whole food source of nutrients as well as a natural Vitamin D3, which is vital during the winter months of little sunlight.

We wish you all a very happy, stress-free and re-invigorating Christmas holiday. With the horrors of 2020 at an end, it is time we look to a new year of new beginnings and new opportunities. Blessings to you all.

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